Infomobility Displays are Variable Message Signs (VMS) to be placed in various contexts: at the entrance and along motorways, at important road junctions, at the entrance to the city and along traffic lanes, beside the road or above the roadway.
VMSs are manufactured according to the European standard UNI EN12966 (with Certificate of Conformity issued by the Notified Body); and show messages and pictograms in accordance with the Highway Code, in amber. The use of a graphic matrix allows to freely change the size of images and characters, thus obtaining text messages from variable number of lines. VMSs are often part of a larger information system, consisting of several variable message stations.
The system is managed by the Aesys MyInfoCity Software, which allows you to configure and drive the panels, as well as manage the diagnostic functions, through GPRS communication system.
Located in dangerous areas, SafeWay displays significantly reduce the risk of accidents. By combining two graphic displays, one to show colour pictograms and the other monochrome for messages, SafeWay displays demonstrate high communicative effectiveness in any ambient light situation.
SafeWay displays comply with the European standard UNI EN 12966 with Certificate of Conformity issued by the Notified Body. The size, shape and colour of the pictograms are also made in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Code.
SafeWay displays are the ideal solution to signal dangerous situations at certain times or days of the week, allowing programming by time slots.
The SafeWay displays are the ideal solution to report dangerous situations at certain times or days of the week, allowing a planning even by time slots. the news concerning the 2019 highway code could soon become law. The unified text that contains them, has already been approved by the Transport Commission of the Chamber and with the accession of the Senate may become State Law. One of the proposed amendments is that of the “school road"; in which local authorities take one of these two measures alternately: limiting speed to a maximum of 30 km/h in areas close to buildings used for school purposes and creating areas with limited traffic. Aesys has been proposing solutions in line with the new provisions for some time.
One of these is the PMV Safeway; ideal for ensuring student safety during school entrance and exit times. these displays allow you to program speed limits during school hours to allow parking and school-related movements.
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