
Grow with Aesys

We believe that the success of our organization depends heavily on the growth and continuous development of our employees. For this reason, we are committed to offering training opportunities and career paths that are in line with individual aptitudes and skills without losing sight of business needs.

The competency model

The Guideline for Our Employees

At Aesys, we believe that the growth of individuals is the driving force behind the company's success. That is why we have adopted a robust competency model, which forms the foundation on which we build our organizational development and the professional journey of our team.

We have completed the mapping of the distinctive, technical, and transversal competencies required for each company role. This analysis enables us to identify the key skills necessary in each area and to build a shared understanding of the needs within Aesys.

With the competency model, we are committed to creating an environment in which individuals can grow, enriching their professional expertise and actively contributing to the success of the company. Every update of evaluations represents for us a step forward toward a more agile and prepared organization, ready to face the challenges of the future.

Career paths

Opportunities at Aesys

The success of Aesys is strongly connected to the personal and professional growth of each collaborator and their ability to work effectively in teams. To meet this need, we create structured and personalized career paths designed to enhance individual potential and support the achievement of goals. The Human Resources Department works every day to maintain high motivation and enthusiasm, offering targeted training programs to develop skills and address any areas for improvement.

We believe in the possibility of both vertical and horizontal growth, offering everyone a complete and stimulating development journey. Through this approach, we aim to retain and strengthen competencies within the company, creating a positive work environment focused on shared success.